
The inner child...

The inner child...

He is watching me as I go about my morning.  I can feel him just below the surface, noticing what I am up to.  He is ever curious, this little one, and lately he has not been far away.  I can hear his questions about what I am doing, why I am doing it, and what it all means.  He is always asking ‘Why?’ and as often as I can, I work to answer his questions.  He did not used to visit me at all, and for the longest time, I did not know he existed. 

Anger and shame

Anger and shame

What would they do if I told them the truth?  How would they see me? How would they think of me? Would I be disgusting to them?  These thoughts swam through my head as I sat in front of Melissa, our trainer,  for a demonstration.  It was the start of our weekend Hakomi training and my mind was seething with all the possibilities of what might happen.  Behind my eyes there was a push to simply tell it all, leave no secret unsaid, and let the chips fall where they might. Then there was the catch in my chest, the fear of what would happen if I just did this, if I just disclosed all my shame.  In the end, I censored what was presented during the demonstration, but in her eyes, I could tell that Melissa had seem so much more than I had said, her tears reflected what was in my heart, unspoken in that moment.